====== Application Of Cuil ====== ===== Using Cuil to solve and describe the real world. ===== Cuil is all well and good, but what purposes can it serve for mankind? This section of the site should deal with how Cuils can be used in various applications. ===== Fields Impacted by Cuil Theory ===== ==== Psychology ==== The brain's interpretation of its surroundings is, following the current definition of Cuil Theory, between 0‽ and 1‽. Autistic individuals are believed to experience life at a lower Cuil level than the average human, and thus have a more accurate, unfiltered view of reality. But this accuracy and lack of filtering leads to complications with human interaction which requires a certain degree of Cuilty. ===== A Measurement of Drug Induced Hallucinations ===== One of the few situations in life where someone actually experiences something far from reality, or a high level of Cuil, is after ingesting hallucinogenic drugs. Even non-hallucinogenic but mind-altering chemicals have the potential to induce low levels of reality abstraction. Highly hallucinogenic chemicals like DMT have the ability to make the user experience levels 5 or 6 of the Cuil scale, making the Cuil scale a perfect yardstick for measuring how far one's perception of reality was altered during a hallucinogenic drug-induced experience.